
Sep 24, 2009

Vata Tea

Trying out recipes for Taste and Create, an event started by Nicole of ForTheLoveofFood and currently hosted by Min of BadGirlsKitchen, was a unique experience. I was paired with Padmajha (she is known as PJ to a lot of you) and loved the chance to explore her blog Seduce Your Taste Buds.
I was intrigued by Vata tea for two reasons. I had never heard of it and PJ’s post said that when people with Vata personalities are out of balance they can be forgetful, spaced out, anxious and uptight. Now I like to think I am not the latter two but I definitely am forgetful and I sometimes space out. The recipe for the tea is supposed to be very calming and soothing.

1 cup water
1/4 tsp fresh ginger grated
1/4 tsp ground cardamom
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp carom/ Ajwain seeds
1 tsp sugar (my addition)

Boil water and put in all the ingredients. Remove from the heat and seep for five minutes. Strain and drink up.
The tea tastes more like cinnamon water with subtle hint of carom seeds. The sugar adds a sweetness to the tea that goes well with cinnamon.


  1. So did the tea really help you? Let me know if it helped, then even I will try out.
    You are yet to pick ur awards from my blog dear.

  2. Wow...that's an aromatic tea...nice choice of recipe...

  3. I love the spices used for this cake! It looks so delicious :)

  4. Just love to have this aromatic tea rite now..lovely click!

  5. Hi Jaya,
    First Timer @ ur space !
    Being quite frank - Loved it - not only cos of the recipes but its very different from other recipe - cookbook blogs ! Its just the way you put the overall post makes it very refreshing.
    Will surely visit often!
    .. quite long comment - but had to mention this :)

  6. Thats a nice flavoured tea...Never had one before though....

  7. Never heard of this but am a huge fan of teas!With the wonderful spices in the tea, it must taste out of this world!You do have a lovely blog:)

  8. Oh Jaya...I do believe I could have a cup of this RIGHT NOW! Well, I can't really as I am on a coffee break at work and coffee is indeed what I am sipping. But yummmmmmmm! This would be a lot more refreshing for me and better for me too!

  9. I am not usually a fan of teas other than black or green, but this one definitely sounds refreshing. I do like that it has ginger and cardamom--two of my favorite flavors.

  10. Ditto Vaishali.... I am not fond of any teas other than black or green. But this sounds very interesting. I am wondering how the combination of cinnamom, cardamom, ajwain will taste.


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