
Dec 13, 2009

The Decade from Hell!

In response to Time's last week's cover story, The Decade From Hell by Andy Serwer, a reader, John Grull from Lincoln, Nebraska, had this to say in this week's issue: " How can TIME devote six pages to the "Decade from Hell" without acknowledging that for eight years we had one of the worst Presidents in the American History? The divisiveness that Bush and Cheney fostered was a key part of this abysnal decade."


  1. Yeah:)
    I could not have said it better my self:)
    He is 100% right, and this from a girl sitting in Norway, and seeing The United States from the outside ....
    Do you agree Jaya?
    Have a wonderful day girl:)

  2. I absolutely do SP. You have a wonderful day too. :)

  3. Gosh, I thought I was the only one who hated that admin so much that i worship any other administration even if they are making mistakes!

  4. Hi Jaya, I don't quite agree with the reader, if the article you're talking about is the one by Andy Serwer -- and I just skimmed through it. I found several mentions of the fiascos of the Bush-Cheney administration, including the Iraq and Afghan wars and the economy that went south. And although I am not a fan of those two men by any means, it is only fair to point out that a number of Democrats were also responsible both for sanctioning the wars and helping the economy take a tumble.


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