
Jan 7, 2010

Doubt in a bottle

My new year’s resolution is to lay off wine. As if to compensate for the lack of red anti oxidents I decided to join the Project 365  (which is not to be inferred as a daily drinking habit). With only a day into the project my head is already swirling with ideas.
The project requires carrying a camera everywhere you go -- grocery store, a restaurant, the neighbor’s house, on the road, to the gym. The idea is to capture the year with a picture a day.

Since I joined the group six days late, I will be chronicling only 359 Days of DSM (desi soccer mom).
As I write this post it is 1 AM in the morning. The dishwasher is quite and all I hear is the rattling of my keyboard and the drip of the leaky faucet in the sink. Did I mention before I am an insomniac? Any remedies/ cures short of sleeping pills will be appreciated.
Coming back to my doubt in a bottle: I know this year is going to be busy, with tackling three classes in school every Sat, my writer’s meet once a month and a resolve to start writing something every month for critiquing, not to mention getting rid of clutter before the winter is over. That’s right, I like to de clutter in the winter when I am cooped up in the house instead of spring-cleaning when I would rather take a walk.
Right now it is too cold to take a walk, even if it is from the parking lot to the gym. I finally did it yesterday, six days into the new year and I am hoping I’ll be able to make it at least three days a week till Summer, when it will be too hot to walk.
As I lay in bed, tossing and turning, willing myself to fall asleep and counting all the above things I have resolved to stick to, I began to wonder if I have chewed more than I can eat. Is the overeating going to give me a bad case of indigestion? (Remedies for that are also appreciated.) An elder in our family always gave out ten tasks to finish, knowing only eight will be done. I am hoping all ten will be done by the end of the year.
Wish me luck and check out 359 Days of DSM.


  1. Hi Desi Soccer Mom:)
    Would it be oki, if i posted some of this amazing idea on my blog?
    And join you on this project?

    One Photo every day....right????
    Welcome on board our litte gym resolution:)
    Have a smashing day:)

  2. I have heard of this sounds wonderful! looking forward to your pictures.

    As for the insomnia, I have a few suggestions:
    - try warm milk with honey and a pinch of nutmeg
    - try lettuce soup..boil some lettuce in water and season and drink....its supposed to induce a nice sleep! ( read it in a woman's world magazine)
    - try a good book, or listen to some soothing Classical music...i prefer Santoor at night.
    I have trouble falling asleep at least twice a week so I can relate.

    good luck,

  3. Go ahead SP. You are most welcome. :)

    Trupti, thank you for tips. I am going to try the warm milk. Reading books never works for me. I end up staying up all night, trying to finish the book or thinking about the book.
    Glad to know I am not the only one who stays up all night. :)

  4. Lovely, hope to see your everyday pics on your blog. For insomania, warm milk helps and fresh raw ginger juice or cumin seeds steeped in water helps for indigestion.

  5. Jaya, I'm also an insomniac, mainly due to bad habits like blogging, DVDs and worrying, nothing ever worked for me, not even the nutmeg in honey - but I tell you, it tasted awesome. I'm just waiting to buy some organic honey before I resume the habit - sanitised honey is so boring!

  6. Wow Jaya recording the events for a whole year sounds like so much fun!Wish i had known this earlier.Anyway wishing you all the best and ,looking forward to your pics..

  7. Good luck with the project, jaya. For now I just plan to watch from the sidelines. Sorry, I have no remedies for insomnia. I am sure you have checked with a doctor?

  8. Jaya, I am shocked! How can you not drink wine? Last I heard, it was good for you. ALso takes care of insomnia I think ;)
    Good luck with the project. I wanted to join as well, but the daily downloading of the pictures...I am way too lazy for that!

  9. Good luck with the project DSM..I'd suggest drinking some warm milk or keeping your feet in warm water with plain salt for 10 minutes (or a few) before going to sleep. The warm water is supposed to soothe and relax the muscles and I've read that the salt may also help in that. My MIL practices reiki and she says using that salt tub will remove all negative thoughts from the body and thats why you are feeling relaxed..As for me, I sleep like a log and even alarm clocks cant disturb me.

    I got a 3 in one deal from you..I should do this more often..I am so happy and sentimental seeing a comment, I could hear sitars in the background :)

    My ratio is different as I use the bottom batter to make dosas once idli days are over and thats why I add plain uncooked rice. Adding more urad dal (I use split, white ones) will give soft idli. More rice will make crispy dosas. Thats the ratio I use every time and you can see how much it ferments from the photo, may be it works for me..

    Your Q:2 May be you keep the steamer on high? Try using medium flame, and adding water just enough to cover a bit below the last plate. Another thing is that as soon as idlis are steamed, dont keep them in the cooker. Remove them from the idli plate and store in a casserole with a paper towel on top. That way, the steam wont condense and fall back on idlis.

  10. Taking a picture a day? If my pictures were as good as yours, I might join in on something like this. Somehow, my pictures are always a mess. But I might give the decluttering a try. A friend suggested I take some of books stacked to the ceiling in my home to the writers club and sell them to make money for the group. Then, I can take pictures of the decluttered area!

  11. All the best for the new project. I suffer from insomnia too. I just read, browse till my eyes droop - then I am ready to sleep. Can offer no other solution.

  12. I very well know the sufferings of insomnia. Jaya.. tossing and turning all the while listening to your husband snoring loudly on the side.. and wishing, that you were right now is his shoes snoring and dreaming happily :) anyway, enough of my blabber, warm milk and a light re-read book works best for me! Looking forward to your project 365!

  13. Hi:)
    Are you having problems with your other blog honey????
    I can´t seem to be able to view it...the adress do not work:)
    Have a good day.

  14. Best wishes on your 365 Project, Jaya. Happy New Year.

    I'm starting to book 2011 for MLLA. If interested, there is a spot for you.

    I've become an insomniac in recent years and have many tips. I'll email you.

  15. Hi jaya!!I have an award for u in my blog.Kindly collect it @


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