
Mar 24, 2010

You may want to unsubscribe now...

A few months ago, when Manisha asked the same of her readers, it was for a totally opposite reason than mine. She was about to embark on the NaBloWriMo.
I, on the other hand, have already embarked on a journey I never thought I would take again after I was done with my degrees and started working. Now, a decade and some later, in my adopted country where it is never too late to start anew, I have decided to get a degree in arts, something I had always wanted to do.
Combined with all the trappings involved with being a mom and a good student, it is hard to keep up with the obligations of a blog not to mention hours spent blog hopping and facebooking.
When Randy Pausch tells you to prioritize your work load according to the following rule, you listen and as a result, blogging takes a back seat to the four year old, school and the four walls one calls a home.

That is not to say I am taking a permanent break from blogging. I will still post but not on a regular basis. Or should we say my regular basis will be sporadic, as evident from this second post in a month.
If any of you want to catch up with me or what is going on in my life, you can always look me up on 359 days of DSM, where I try to post at least once in two days. Why that and not DSM, you may ask? Because it takes me a few minutes to post here as opposed to a few hours on this blog.
So, if you decide to unsubscribe, I understand and agree. Let the countdown begin.


  1. I don't want to and I won't Jaya. :-) Good luck for everything.

  2. Wishing you all the very best. I subscribed to your blog recently and I have decided not to revert my action. Have fun in the school

  3. Of course I'd stay on, and look forward to your "arty" posts. Enjoy your school.

  4. Hi Jaya, kashi aahes?
    All the best for ur school! Bravo girl! School, home front and a child...loads to handle, but I am sure you will sail through. Will drop in to say hello sometimes and will wait for ur posts surely, take ur own sweet time.

  5. happy schooling.. will stay to hear from u.. cheers

  6. that title surely caught my eye - wishing you luck in your new pursuits! I'll be checking DSM 365 anyway :)

  7. Good Luck with your studies! I don't mind staying on.

  8. Good luck with the school and being a mom. I am glad I finished it before I had kids even though sometimes I regret that I could've had them early if not for school.

  9. Good luck with Uni and taking the kid to soccer games in a mini van. I'll keep checking both blogs and will give you a shout if we come to DFW. You can come home anytime when you come to Houston too.

  10. Jaya, do post whever you can. I love and enjoy your posts, your spirited writing etc, so I will be watching this space and 359 days of DSM.
    hey, btw I am now a soccer mom too :-) (minus the mni-van)

  11. Good luck with school... and have fun
    I'll look forward to your occasional post when ever you get time.

  12. Good luck for the new course Jaya and no, i am not going to unsubscribe. :-)

  13. I was going to ask you about your absence before I read your post. Good luck with you education and I will come back to read your occasional posts.

  14. I love both the videos, and I'm glad you posted them, because before Randy Pausch (aka now) I would have poured all my enthu into the non-important things - guess why - because they are usually more fun! And completely off topic, why does Mr. pepin remind me always of Pepe le Peu.....
    Good luck with school, I really enjoy your DSM posts, its such a vibrant slice of your life. Sorry I haven't been commenting as much. I will miss your blogging motivation for me though :-(

  15. Good luck with your venture into the world of Arts.
    It will be fun to see you post here though.

  16. Wonder where my comment to this post went!

    Anyways, I dropped in to say that I made your Indori Poha this morning and we loved it! It is the fennel, I think, that makes a world of difference. Didn't have grapes or pomegranate on hand for the garnish. Next time - it was so delicious that I know I will make poha this way often. Thanks for sharing.

    Hope you are enjoying your Uni, but I am missing your posts.

  17. I'm stayin' a loyal subscriber! Good Luck with everything!


Thank you for visiting my space. I miss my former editors, so any form of criticism/ appreciation is welcome. :)