
Jul 13, 2011

Black and White Wednesday with Turkish coffee

A few months ago, Manisha snagged a bargain at her neighborhood garage sale and bragged about it on facebook. The Turkish cups, also called ibrik or cezve, she had managed to lay her hands on were so gorgeous that enough though I have never had Turkish coffee in my life, I just had to have them. Two more of her friends wanted them too, so she graciously agreed to go back to her neighbor and see if she could buy some for us too. A month later, I am the proud owner of three of those fabulous cups and what better way to show them off then for Susan’s new event, Black and White Wednesday.

ibrik 1 (goes to Susan's event)

ibrik 2

If you are intrigued and want to know how to make Turkish coffee with these, check out this link that Susan pointed me to on fb or this youtube video that I found. One thing is sure. My ibriks are not going anywhere near a gas flame so Turkish coffee will have to wait. 


  1. Wonderful images of the most charming vessels. So glad to have you join in Black and White Wednesday. Thank you, Jaya.

  2. Liked the 2nd picture very much, the vertical lines of the tablecloth contrast so well with the horizontal handles.

  3. Ya, I like the second click very much. The clicks in your space are just awesome. Happy to follow you Jaya.

  4. I liked your pix. I think I first saw these in Asha's blog, probably for Click - lovely burnished copper it looked like. The handles remind me of ancient keys, the kinds used to lock big, huge doors

  5. Lol! You don't have to use gas stove for Turkish coffee:) The electric burner works fine, too:) Just be careful, the metal handle on that pretty, decorative pot can get very hot!
    I am from Serbia and we drink Turkish coffee (the legacy of over 300 years of Turkish rule over the Balkans). It is very strong, but it does not make you climb the walls like American coffee:)
    Enjoy it!

  6. Ouch! I didn't brag! I shared my joy at finding these treasures! ;-)

    I could stare at these forever!

  7. Beautiful Turkish coffee cups and done well in black and white!

  8. Wow, beautiful cups and pictures of them!

  9. Susan, Aqua, Lynne, Susie Bee, thank you.

    Radhika, thank you and welcome to my space.

    Sra, they do look like ancient keys and that is one of the reasons why I like them besides the fact that they are made of burnished copper.

    Lana, thanks for that tip about the handles. I know what you mean about Turkish influence. The Indian tea is a result of 200 years of British rule over the Indian subcontinent.

    Manisha, 'bragged' was a little literary liberty. I know you didn't brag but I sure would have. I love those cups too. :-)

  10. loved your pics, and these turkish cups are real treasure

  11. Beautiful clicks


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