
Aug 2, 2011

Last minute Brown Rice Bisibelebath with mixed beans for Susan

Lately, my follower count on the blog has been going up and down by a couple, or in other words, stayed constant. I welcome new followers and wonder about the ones who are unfollowing (leaving). Maybe it is because I haven’t been very regular with my posts for almost a year now. There is also the contentious issue of not visiting a bunch of other blogs and leaving comments, which, let’s face it, generates traffic.

I have been for a long time ambivalent about blogging because I simply can’t bring myself to blog-hop all the time. It drains away a lot of my time and energy not to mention distracts me from family matters. I still visit my friend’s blogs, not only for the content and writing but also to catch up with them. There are times when I visit an often-visited-in-the-past but not forgotten blog because I see a link on fb and it sounds interesting.

Siri’s roundup of Wholesome Whole Grain – Brown Rice was one such event that got a quick click on the link. I have never been much of a brown rice eater but her bisibelebath made with brown rice, lentils and loads of veggies screamed, “Cook me”. So I did, with much success. I fed it to my Tamilian friends and they loved it. I have since made it a bunch of times and it tastes good every time. The secret of course is the spice powder that I roasted and grinded based on Siri’s recipe.

I have professed my inability to follow a recipe to a T on this blog before. However, this one time, I did not waver from the original version except for the quantity, which I cut in half. Not only was this an easy one pot meal, it was filling and nutritious and hit the spot just right every time I made it.

Of course, it is human nature, or may be my nature, to fix something that isn’t broken. So the fourth time I made bisibelebath, I decided to make it even more nutritious by adding whole beans instead of just toor dal (split pigeon peas). It turned out pretty good but the spouse and I both agreed the original tasted better. I am listing just the changes that I made to the recipe. Click on Siri’s Bisibelebath to see the original recipe.

Ingredients I changed:
Mixed lentils and beans: 3/4 cup (I used a combination of black eyed peas, whole masoor dal, whole mung beans and toor dal)

Vegetables I used:
Vegetables: 2 cups (a mix of sweet potato, celery, onions, carrots and spinach)

Spice Powder:
Since I roughly halved the recipe, I used about 2 tbsp of the spice powder

This delicious and nutritious bisibelebath goes to Susan who is celebrating and hosting the third anniversary of her popular event MLLA- 37 . Thank you, Susan for accepting my very late entry. This post also goes to Jacqueline's Bookmarked Recipes event created by Ruth of Ruth's Kitchen Experiments.

Is there a recipe from this blog that has become your personal favorite or a recipe you have tweaked to your liking? Let me know.

And if you haven't liked my fb page yet, click on Desisoccermom and do it.


  1. Same here with me too Jaya, not finding enough time to blog-hop like I used to do few years ago. Now, like you FB has become my default Google Reader..:-). I am so happy that the recipe turned out well for you. You are bang-on the home-made spice powder, can never compete with the store-bought ones.

    It is time to make some again, may be this weekend.


  2. Jaya, I haven't investigated it of late but the follower count does bob up and down and there are explanations for it on the Net ... Contentious issue :) ... That made me smile.

  3. Love the picture and heading over to check the recipe now :)

  4. Well, you know fr/ my recent FB S-O-S, that I am overwhelmed w/ social networking. Caring for your own life and work is a tight balancing act with online connecting w/ others. Does greater investment in comments yield more traffic? For sure, but it come at a cost of time & energy. Frankly, I don't have the time/energy to row w/ the contentious; I'm too busy trying to catch up on commenting. ; D

    Anyway. Although it will take me a lifetime to properly pronounce bisibelebath, I could just shut my mouth up right now by tasting it, no accent required. ; )

    Thanks for your MLLA recipe, Jaya!

  5. Its the same story :) too many social networking sites.. now g+ too! and leaving comments on each blog with different captcha styles etc.. time time and more time!

    Richa @


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