
Jul 11, 2010

Anatomy of an onion and the contest winner


Breakfast on weekdays is a staid affair in our house. He eats his at work (eggs), I eat oatmeal with raisins and the kid loves his cheerios with raisins and milk. Weekends are pretty much the same except on the days when the house doesn’t need cleaning, the laundry is done and folded away and the lawn has been mowed the day before. Then, I like to make the ubiquitous Maharashtrian breakfast of kanda poha, except I make the pimped up version, Indori kanda poha, complete with all the fixings of sev and onions and pomegranate seeds.

Last weekend, while prepping for the aforementioned poha, as I chopped in two the unnaturally big onion, I was struck by the even concentric ridges and the smooth, shiny, beautiful red of the onion. I cradled the half cut onion in my palms and admired the beauty of its contours. This is what I captured with my humble point and shoot digital. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

My favorite!

On a parting note, the Coming Clean call for entrees received a total of one entry from M who blogs at Eating Matters. I am not the least bit insulted by this obvious rejection of the simple call for clicks by the foodie community. For now, I will just assume that none of you had a corner in your kitchen or pantry worthy enough to be photographed and put up on the blog. Except of course M, who gets a second link for being the only participant and for having a smashing, minimalist pantry.

The neat ridges and the smooth texture
On the subject of links and entrees, I was touched by how many of you liked my piece of fiction and suggested a title for it. I stand corrected on my assumption that I was being ignored. There were more suggestions that I expected and I had a tough time deciding the winner. Here are the nominees:

Nupur’s Coming Home, a title liked by a lot of you.

Srivalli's suggestions were in sync with Nupur's: Homecoming and Healed Heart.

The spin offs on curd rice with Fresh curds for a fresh start, rice plate with a clean slate and curd rice for the soul, the first two suggested by SS, and the last one by Sweet Artichoke.

Some titles suggested and inspired by Scarlett O’Hara and the positive ending of the story: Tomorrow is another day, A positive Attitude and Hope, suggested by Vaishali , Bangalore Baker and PJ, in  that order.

Two along the lines of fire and rebirth: Rise of the phoenix and Coming back to life, suggested by Cool Lassie and Aqua respectively.

And the lone category of witty title: Links that matter, because it highlights the bond between mother and daugheter as well as the prize of the contest, suggested by who else but the witty and word wise Sra.

A vote on fb yielded no majority votes so I picked a title that tickled me with its tongue-in-cheek intent. Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, the winner is Sra whose Soup came alive is redolent with much more tongue-in-cheek sentences and titles like The links that matter. In keeping with my promise, starting from this post, Sra’s blog gets linked for the next nine posts I write.

Speaking of which, the next post is my review of Ruth Reichl’s Garlic and Sapphires, which was due on the first of this month and by the time gets posted will be late by two weeks.

Don't forget to send in your entrees for the Back to Basics event.

A parting shot


  1. The onion and the snaps are beautiful Jaya!
    And would never think of ignoring your event ... it is monsoon time here and it is impossible to click in the kitchen due to bad light.
    And yes, I too like the title suggested by Sra. :-)

  2. Bhooo you didn't see mine???...:)

    Good that you liked Sra's..thats quite catchy too..

    Onions are lovely!

  3. Lovely click Jaya!!!Liked Sra's title too!!!

    As for the pantry pic,I thought I would not show them off now as my pantry has very little stuff. I am emptying the contents as were are moving back to China and I have to get back home to take a good click and maybe then I will do it as a post instead of the event entry :).I really wanted to send one but.....

  4. {Doing victory jig} Thankuthankuthanku. And the jackfruit is coming your way - I just have to put in the links that count ;)

  5. Sharmilla, PJ, I am not really offended about the 'Coming Clean'. It wasn't really an event and I just asked people to send me a link. It was my poor attempt at humor. Don't worry about it.

    Sra, Congratulations but I know that the jig is not literal. :)

    Valli, I saw your title suggestion too and it was nice as well. I will add it to this post.

  6. I am ashamed to say that I focused solely on myself in this post - thanks, all of you who said who liked my title, and Jaya, honestly, the onions on my reader were what brought me here first - I never expected to win.

  7. Beautiful clicks and a good idea to bring forth.

  8. Huh...I totally missed the vote on FB! Loved Sra's title too; congrats Sra.

    Ok I didn't forget about 'coming clean', just that I didn't manage to come clean. But I've got 2 more lined up for Back to Basics, posting soon.

  9. Thank you Jaya for mentioning about my pantry! And congrats for being the winner!
    Btw I see some link on your page for kanda-poha and kadak caHa. Ah, I wish I can reach for it now at this time!


  10. Congrats to Sra- "The Links That Matter" is such a clever title for the story!


Thank you for visiting my space. I miss my former editors, so any form of criticism/ appreciation is welcome. :)